
Although a user locks in a borrow interest rate when stable borrowing, under certain conditions, it may be necessary to rebalance their borrow interest rate. Rebalancing means that the userโ€™s stable borrow interest rate is updated to the poolโ€™s current stable interest rate isbti_{sb_t}

To rebalance the stable rate down, the userโ€™s loan stable rate isboldi_{sb_{old}} needs to be greater than the current stable rate isbti_{sb_t} plus a delta, for instance, โˆ†=20%.

isboldi_{sb_{old}}โ‰ฅ isbti_{sb_t}*(1+โˆ†)

To rebalance the stable rate up, two conditions have to be met at the same time. The first requires the utilization ratio to be greater than or equal to a given threshold, for instance, URU=95U_{RU}=95%%. The second requires the deposit interest rate to be less than or equal to a given percentage of the max variable interest rate, for instance, DIRRU=25DIR_{RU}=25 %.

UtโฉพURUU_t \geqslant U_{RU}
idtโฉฝDIRRU(Rv0+Rv1+Rv2)i_{d_t} \leqslant DIR_{RU}(R_{v0}+R_{v1}+R_{v2})

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