Folks Finance maintains the highest standards of security and we have hired several professional organizations for ongoing audits of the protocol source code. Click the following link to have a look at all the reports
Auditor | Date | Description |
Coinspect | Aug 24 | ALGO Liquid Staking |
Vantage Point | June 23 | Cross-Chain Liquid Governance |
Vantage Point | March 23 | ALGO Liquid Governance V3 |
Trail of Bits | Q4 22 | V2 |
Certik | Q4 22 | V2 fStaking |
Vantage Point | Q4 22 | V2 |
Vantage Point | September 22 | ALGO Liquid Governance V2 |
Vantage Point | June 22 | ALGO Liquid Govenernce |
Vantage Point | May 22 | LP Token |
Coinspect | March 22 | V1 |
Vantage Point | February 22 | V1 |
Runtime Verification | January 22 | V1 |
Last updated